Monday, August 1, 2011

First Day Fasting

I can't explain my feelings now, I want my coffee .. my cig .. my chocolate all the goodie stuff that came to my mind now. Even I'm thinking of a large slice of chilled Mango and smelling the scents of strawberry in my office right now "am I getting craz or what?" ..

Ramadan is really tough and needs lots of patient and ignoring the other side calls of breaking it .. its just like a fight between the good and bad ones .. and of course always the Good One win the fight ..

So let us think of al Fetoor and what it will be?? Tamer (Dates) - Shoroobah (Soup) - Salads - Samboosah (Fried Dumpling) - Kubbah - Tashreeba - etc ...

I will try to post some of previous day Fe6oor just to show you why do we love food and feels so tired when it comes to fasting :\

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