Sunday, August 28, 2011

Photo Challenge Day #7

Today's Photo Challenge about something new ..

Today I purchased the Lion Operating System for my Macbook Pro ..

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Photo Challenge Day # 6

Today's Challenge is about something remind me of my childhood ..

طبعا من اشوف الصبانه .. اول شي اذكره القاري و الفراره في الشارع وتصليح الصنقل و طبعا صراخ ابوي (عسى الله يطول بعمره) علينا ليش لاعبين بأغراضه

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Wonderful Desert

Yesterday I tried the Lava Chocolate from Wonderful Desert .. It is simply BOMB of Chocolate ..

Rich and not too sweet .. in every bite you can feel the layers of Chocolate .. Well Done Wonderful Desert and now I understand why it is called Top Seller

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Photo Challenge Day #5

Today's photo chsllenge is someone i love and those are who i love

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

FinZ Divers - Night Dive on 19-08-2011

This is the video of the last Night Dive FinZ Center is conducting during the Holy Month of Ramadan ..

Amazing trip with amazing people .. I like your company guys ..

Thanks to all FinZ Center Staff

Photo Challenge Day # 4

Today's challenge is my favorite color .. I'm in love with BLUE ... my room, my cloths, my office and even I like to see my Kuwait in Blue

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Photo Challenge Day # 3

Today I have to take photo of Clouds .. which is impossible at this time of the year .. so I decided to make my own clouds

This is my view from my office .. sorry for the dirty window :/

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Photo Challenge Day # 2

Today's challenge is what I wore .. and since I'm at work now .. I'm wearing Beige Pant and flower pattern Shirt

Monday, August 22, 2011

Crispy Bites

Yesterday I ordered Crispy Bites for after Fe6oor sweet .. my order was Nutella and Original as the marshmallow was out of order to my luck :/ .. Nutella was better in taste than the original .. and really liked it .. Each box comes with 50 bite size balls and the cost is KD 6 .. Check the photos below :D

To order call them at 65640147

Photo Challenge Day # 1

Today's Photo Challenge is the self portrait .. He I am :D

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Photo Challenge

I've been through many blogs, and noticed everybody is participating the photo challenge posted in Oh So Lovely Blog I will try to post my daily photo challenge and Hope you will like it too

Thursday, August 18, 2011

KNPC's Ramadan Gift

on 16th day of Ramadan, we finally got KNPC's Gift .. I guess the Gerrgai3an gift will reach us by end of Ramadan :P .. Just kiddin KNPC :D

It is really nice thought of KNPC to share every occasion with the employees by distributing different gifts, some are in good quality and some other in half half chinese quality ..

This is Year for Ramadan, they gave us a Bottel of Vimto, Bottel of Rose Water (mai ward) and dried appricot (Qamardeen)

Monday, August 15, 2011

FinZ Divers - Night Dive on 12-08-2011 Arifjan Reef

Another Night Diving Trip on 12-08-2011 to Arifjan Reef. The last diving trip during the Holy Month of Ramadan will be on 19-08-2011 and inshallah I will post last Night Dive during Ramadan ..

For now enjoy the Trip and the excellent spirit of the divers

FinZ Divers - Night Dive on 4-08-2011 Arifjan Reef

FinZ Center for Scuba Diving Offeres lots of activities during Ramadan, and one of their activities is diving trips (Night Dive), where the boat starts leaving before Fe6oor time .. after reaching the site and everybody onbaord broke his/her fast by water and dates, and get prepapred to do the night dive guided with the most professional Instructors / Divemasters. Later after the Dive (around 45-60 min) everybody get in the boat and prepare for el Fe6oor .. plz check some of our photos of our first night dive

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Nina Salerosa

I'm in love with this video clip and I wish to do a semilar thing .. Enjoy it and


I'm thinking to try it during my up coming vacation on November

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Baith o 6oma6

I think because of Qualitynet Ad in Ramadan .. Baith 0 6oma6 (Egg with Tomato) Reciepe is becoming very famous o el kel yaby yakel Baith o 6omar ..

I and Dad decided enah yekoon se7oorna Baith o 6oma6 .. I headed to the kitchen and got half onion, 1 tomato, 3 eggs, and 1 spoon butter

 First Cut the Onion and the tomato into round slices, melt the butter in the pan and start frying the onion first

Then add the tomato slices along with the onion
After the tomato and the onion got carmalized add the 3 eggs and don't stir them .. keep them in 3eyoon shape and finally add salt and pepper

Serve it in a plate along with hot khobez irani emsamsam ..


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

We will never Forget 2/8/1990

Today is the 21st memorial of the Iraqi invasion to Kuwait .. Old bad days .. Kuwait was taken by the Iraq's and the power of Saddam on 2/8/1990. I remember this particular day when my mom woke me up at early morning saying that Kuwait been taken by the Iraqi Army and my Dad went to his Job @ KNPC in order to protect the facility there. The First thing I did when I got to know about the invasion is getting dressed and went to Kuwait University to do my examination (as I remember I was the only student who did the exam on that day :/) madry leesh maytah 3ala el darasah chethy ..

Anyway .. reja3t el bait o beda el sheghel o ada'a el maham el ra'eseeya :
1. Atres kel seyayeer el bait benzene
2. Aroo7 el jam3eya ashteri mo3alabat o eb6ool mai
3. tasweer o tawotheeq kel amaken el jaish .. o ma zal el sharee6 mawojood 3endi.

We stayed for 7 months in Kuwait, living in fear not in peace until the Liberation Day on 26/2/1991 .. I hate the Iraqis alot and I hate everythign related to them ..


اللهم احم شهدائنا الأبرار في هذا اليوم الفضيل .. اللهم اسكنهم جناتك
اللهم اغفر لشيخنا جابر الأحمد واجعل قبره روضا من رياض الجنه

Some Photos of my Kuwait during the invasion

Now adays my Kuwait Photos taken by me and Hope you will like them

Monday, August 1, 2011

First Day Fasting

I can't explain my feelings now, I want my coffee .. my cig .. my chocolate all the goodie stuff that came to my mind now. Even I'm thinking of a large slice of chilled Mango and smelling the scents of strawberry in my office right now "am I getting craz or what?" ..

Ramadan is really tough and needs lots of patient and ignoring the other side calls of breaking it .. its just like a fight between the good and bad ones .. and of course always the Good One win the fight ..

So let us think of al Fetoor and what it will be?? Tamer (Dates) - Shoroobah (Soup) - Salads - Samboosah (Fried Dumpling) - Kubbah - Tashreeba - etc ...

I will try to post some of previous day Fe6oor just to show you why do we love food and feels so tired when it comes to fasting :\

Holy Month Ramadan

Mbarak 3aleekom el shahar o taqabal allah 6a3atkom ..

Wish you to enjoy the Holy Month  of Ramadan with your family and friends