Sunday, August 28, 2011

Photo Challenge Day #7

Today's Photo Challenge about something new ..

Today I purchased the Lion Operating System for my Macbook Pro ..

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Photo Challenge Day # 6

Today's Challenge is about something remind me of my childhood ..

طبعا من اشوف الصبانه .. اول شي اذكره القاري و الفراره في الشارع وتصليح الصنقل و طبعا صراخ ابوي (عسى الله يطول بعمره) علينا ليش لاعبين بأغراضه

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Wonderful Desert

Yesterday I tried the Lava Chocolate from Wonderful Desert .. It is simply BOMB of Chocolate ..

Rich and not too sweet .. in every bite you can feel the layers of Chocolate .. Well Done Wonderful Desert and now I understand why it is called Top Seller

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Photo Challenge Day #5

Today's photo chsllenge is someone i love and those are who i love

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

FinZ Divers - Night Dive on 19-08-2011

This is the video of the last Night Dive FinZ Center is conducting during the Holy Month of Ramadan ..

Amazing trip with amazing people .. I like your company guys ..

Thanks to all FinZ Center Staff

Photo Challenge Day # 4

Today's challenge is my favorite color .. I'm in love with BLUE ... my room, my cloths, my office and even I like to see my Kuwait in Blue

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Photo Challenge Day # 3

Today I have to take photo of Clouds .. which is impossible at this time of the year .. so I decided to make my own clouds

This is my view from my office .. sorry for the dirty window :/